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Windows 7, 8, and 10 create a special “System Reserved” partition when you install them on a clean disk. Windows doesn’t normally assign a drive letter to these partitions, so you’ll only see them when you use  or similar utility.

将Windows 7、8和10安装在干净的磁盘上时,它们会创建一个特殊的“系统保留”分区。 Windows通常不会为这些分区分配驱动器号,因此只有在使用“ 或类似实用程序时才会看到它们。

The System Reserved partition was introduced with Windows 7, so you won’t find it on previous versions of Windows. The partition is also created on Windows Serer 2008 R2 and newer Server versions of Windows.

Windows 7引入了“系统保留”分区,因此在Windows的早期版本中找不到该分区。 该分区也在Windows Serer 2008 R2和Windows的更新服务器版本上创建。

系统保留分区有什么作用? (What Does the System Reserved Partition Do?)

The System Reserved partition contains two important things:


  • The Boot Manager and Boot Configuration Data: When your computer starts, the Windows Boot Manager reads the boot data from the Boot Configuration Data (BCD) Store. Your computer starts the boot loader off of the System Reserved partition, which in turn starts Windows from your system drive. 

    引导管理器和引导配置数据:当计算机启动时,Windows引导管理器从引导配置数据(BCD)存储中读取引导数据。 您的计算机从系统保留分区启动启动加载程序,该分区又从系统驱动器启动Windows。

  • The startup files used for BitLocker Drive Encryption: If you ever decide to , the System Reserved partition contains the necessary files for starting your computer. Your computer boots the unencrypted System Reserved partition, and then decrypts the main encrypted drive and starts the encrypted Windows system.

    用于BitLocker驱动器加密的启动文件:如果您决定来 ,则“系统保留”分区将包含用于启动计算机的必要文件。 您的计算机启动未加密的“系统保留”分区,然后解密主加密驱动器并启动加密的Windows系统。

The System Reserved partition is essential if you want to use BitLocker drive encryption, which can’t function otherwise. Important boot files are also stored here by default, although you could store them on the main Windows partition if you preferred.

如果要使用BitLocker驱动器加密,则“系统保留”分区必不可少,否则无法使用。 默认情况下,重要的启动文件也存储在此处,尽管您可以根据需要将它们存储在Windows主分区中。

Windows创建系统保留分区时 (When Windows Creates the System Reserved Partition)

The System Reserved partition consumes 100 MB of space on Windows 7, 350 MB of space on Windows 8, and 500 MB of space on Windows 10. The partition is typically created during the , just before the installer allocates space for the .

系统保留分区占用100 MB的空间在Windows 7,350 MB的空间在Windows 8,和500 MB的空间上的Windows 10。分区期间典型地创建 ,只是用于安装分配空间之前 。

您可以删除系统保留分区吗? (Can You Delete the System Reserved Partition?)

You really shouldn’t mess with the System Reserved partition—it’s easiest and safest to just leave it be.


Windows hides the partition by default instead of creating a drive letter for it. Most people never notice they have a System Reserved partition unless they fire up disk tools for other reasons. The System Reserved partition is mandatory if you use BitLocker—or want to use it in the future.

Windows默认情况下隐藏该分区,而不是为其创建驱动器号。 除非他们出于其他原因启动磁盘工具,否则大多数人永远不会注意到他们拥有“系统保留”分区。 如果您使用BitLocker,或者将来要使用它,则必须使用System Reserved分区。

防止创建系统保留分区 (Prevent the System Reserved Partition From Being Created)

If you really don’t want this partition on your drive—for whatever reason—the ideal thing to do is prevent it from being created in the first place. Rather than create a new partition in unallocated space from within the Windows installer, you can create a new partition that consumes all unallocated space by using another disk-partitioning tool before running Windows installation.

如果您真的不希望此分区出现在驱动器上(无论出于何种原因),理想的做法是首先避免创建该分区。 可以从Windows安装程序中的未分配空间中创建新分区,而不是通过使用另一个磁盘分区工具来创建一个消耗所有未分配空间的新分区。

When it comes time, point the Windows installer at the partition you created. The Windows installer accepts that there’s no room for System Reserved partition and installs Windows onto a single partition. Bear in mind that you’re still not saving the entire 100 MB, 350 MB, or 500 MB that the partition would have taken. The boot files instead must be installed on your main system partition.

到时候,将Windows安装程序指向您创建的分区。 Windows安装程序接受“系统保留”分区没有空间,并将Windows安装到单个分区上。 请记住,您仍然没有保存该分区将占用的全部100 MB,350 MB或500 MB。 相反,引导文件必须安装在主系统分区上。

To do this, you’ll need to use any disk-partitioning software except the graphical one in the Windows installer. However, you can actually do this from within the Windows installer. Just follow the following steps:

为此,您需要使用Windows安装程序中除图形软件以外的所有磁盘分区软件。 但是,您实际上可以从Windows安装程序中执行此操作。 只需执行以下步骤:

  • Press Shift+F10 while installing Windows to open a Command Prompt window.

    在安装Windows的同时按Shift + F10可以打开“命令提示符”窗口。
  • Type diskpart into the Command Prompt window and press Enter.

    在“命令提示符”窗口中键入diskpart ,然后按Enter。

  • Create a new partition in the unallocated space using the diskpart tool. For example, if you have a single drive in the computer and it’s completely empty, you can just type select disk 0 and then create partition primary to select the first disk and create a new partition using the entire amount of unallocated space on the drive.

    使用diskpart工具在未分配空间中创建一个新分区。 例如,如果您的计算机中只有一个驱动器,而它完全是空的,则只需键入select disk 0 ,然后创建主分区来选择第一个磁盘,然后使用驱动器上的全部未分配空间创建一个新分区。

  • Continue the setup process. Select the partition you created earlier when you’re asked to create a partition.

    继续设置过程。 当要求您创建分区时,选择您之前创建的分区。

删除现有系统保留分区 (Remove an Existing System Reserved Partition)

It may be possible to remove a System Reserved partition after installing Windows. You can’t just delete the System Reserved partition, though. Because the boot loader files are stored on it, Windows won’t boot properly if you delete this partition.

安装Windows后,可能会删除“系统保留”分区。 但是,您不能只删除“系统保留”分区。 由于引导加载程序文件已存储在其上,因此,如果删除此分区,Windows将无法正确引导。

To delete the System Reserved partition, you first have to move the boot files from the System Reserved partition onto the main Windows system drive. And this is harder than it sounds. It involves messing with the Registry, copying various files between drives, updating the BCD store, and making the main system drive the active partition. On Windows 8, it also involves disabling and then re-enabling the Windows Recovery Environment. You’ll then have to remove the System Reserved partition and enlarge your existing partition to reclaim the space.

要删除系统保留分区,首先必须将启动文件从系统保留分区移至Windows主系统驱动器。 这比听起来要难。 它涉及弄乱注册表,在驱动器之间复制各种文件,更新BCD存储,并使主系统驱动器成为活动分区。 在Windows 8上,它还涉及禁用然后重新启用Windows恢复环境。 然后,您必须删除“系统保留”分区,并扩大现有分区以回收空间。

All this is possible, and you’ll find various guides on the web that walk you through the process. However, Microsoft does not officially support the technique and we don’t recommend it, either. You’ll gain a very tiny bit of space—less than the few hundred MB used by the System Reserved partition—at the cost of potentially messing up your operating system and losing the ability to use BitLocker drive encryption.

所有这些都是可能的,并且您会在网络上找到各种指南,逐步引导您完成该过程。 但是,Microsoft并不正式支持该技术,我们也不建议这样做。 您将获得很少的空间(少于系统保留分区使用的几百MB),但代价是可能使您的操作系统混乱,并失去使用BitLocker驱动器加密的能力。

For reference, here’s why you shouldn’t just delete the System Reserved partition. We  to delete the System Reserved partition, and then made the main Windows system partition bootable with no attempt at copying the boot files. We saw a message saying our Boot Configuration Data was missing, and that we’d have to .

作为参考,这就是为什么您不应该删除系统保留分区的原因。 我们删除了System Reserved分区,然后使Windows主分区可启动,而无需尝试复制启动文件。 我们看到一条消息,说缺少启动配置数据,我们必须 。

This partition may look like it’s cluttering your drive and wasting space, but it performs important functions and removing it frees up almost no space. It’s best to simply ignore the partition, and if you really don’t want it to be there, prevent it from being created while installing Windows.

该分区可能看起来很混乱,浪费了驱动器,却浪费了空间,但是它执行着重要的功能,而将其删除则几乎没有空间。 最好只是忽略该分区,如果您确实不希望该分区存在,请防止在安装Windows时创建该分区。




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